The needs, motivations, & behaviours, of your audience or users
User research
User Research helps provide solid foundations for developing an app, website, or service, by providing an understanding of what your users/customers want, the problems they face, their behaviours, and their motivations.
What we will do
User research encompasses many activities which may, or may not, be relevant to a project, or achievable within a project’s constraints. We will:
- Work with you to understand where you are at with your project
- Establish what you need from the research
- Devise a research programme that will deliver relevant results within an agreed time and budget
- Conduct the research
- Report on the research
What’s included
- A report, written in simple and concise language, which explains the findings from the research activities
- Audio, video, transcripts, data, and other artefacts from the research
User research case studies
Call centre screens & workflows – UX research to product delivery
Foundational research of business needs, user needs, and workflows, informed the development of call centre screens that reduced both the time taken to train advisors and call handling times.
Financial services
Researching the ‘as-is’ hospitality customer experience
Research of the digital and physical customer experience, for a pub and hotel brand, highlighted touchpoints where improving digital experiences would also enhance the physical experience.