Create the strategy & plan to deliver a website aligned with your business goals
Business & digital strategy
Can you connect the dots to get from where you are now to a website that meets your needs? Create the strategy & plan to deliver a website aligned with your business goals.
Developing a brand or product without the foundations provided by having a clear vision, goals & strategy is a mistake that many new & small businesses make.
What we will do
We will arrange a pre-workshop discovery call/session to learn about what you need and deliver a workshop, or set of workshops, tailored to giving you the clear vision and goals that will enable you to deliver a successful app, website, or SaaS product. Together we will build on what you have done to date to develop your strategy and goals, accompanied by a plan that is prioritised and achievable – the foundations for you and your team to deliver a successful website or app.
Work with you to develop your vision, goals, and strategy
Create alignment between what you are developing and your business goals
Create a prioritised, achievable, plan
What’s included
We will take time to understand your situation and help you and your team delliver what you need.
A pre-workshop discovery call/session to learn about what you need
A workshop tailored to your particular situation
Vision, goals, & other workshop artefacts
A report, written in simple and concise language, which summarises the workshop outputs
A playback session to review the outputs and plan your next steps
Support to help you and your team deliver what you need
❝If doing it again, I would do all these things while developing the website.❞
B2B client
❝James is great to work with, we covered so much ground in the virtual workshops…he also helped keep me super focused…to uncover the really important stuff.❞
Simon, Punk Incorporated (Vision & goals, & strategy)
Business & digital strategy – workshop & support package
A workshop, and actionable strategy and plan, for you and your team, from £499.
Six-months support to help you and your team deliver what you need, from £199 per month.
Create the app, website or SaaS product that delivers the results you need – the first time around
An introductory call will allow you to discuss what you need and gain an outline of the next most appropriate steps to deliver what you need. I also aim to provide at least one easy-to-undertake action for you to implement without further obligation.