How can we target our customers more effectively?

Photography studio

How can we target our potential customers more effectively? Markets and audiences, and customer journey, workshops.

Working with the business owner to develop a clear picture of their market and audiences, enabled them to streamline their site so it more effectively targets those audiences.

The problem

Without profiles of its target audience, this business was unable to structure its website and content to target its potential customers effectively. The current website featured long pages that lacked punch and in which the call to action was rather lost amongst the rest of the content.

The solution

Enabling the business to create a website that works for them comprised two stages – profiling the markets and audiences, and developing a website that would address the audiences’ needs, and nudge them toward making an enquiry:

Who are our potential clients?

During an online Markets & audiences workshop, we profiled the types of businesses being targeted and the audience within each. Building a picture of the expectations, fears, and needs of each, enabled them to be prioritised according to their importance. The session also identified how the business could differentiate itself from the competition by highlighting its background, approach, and expertise.

Journeys & page layouts

During the online Journeys workshop, we used the market and audience profiles to construct user journeys, a content plan and low-fidelity wireframes, all of which were guided by addressing the expectations, needs, and fears of the target audiences that we had previously identified.

The result

The outcome is a website structured around addressing the needs, motivation, and behaviours of potential customers, and which nudges them gently toward making an enquiry.

  • Profiles of market and audience
  • Prioritised by importance
  • Journeys designed for each market/audience
  • Content outline/plan
  • Wireframe page templates

Unlock the potential of your market & the opportunities that it presents

Unlock the potential of your target market, their needs, & the opportunities that it presents.

How we can help 

Market and audience